
The Power of Mushrooms

By Dr. Basheerah

Did you know that mushrooms can be magical in more ways than one?

Now – you are probably thinking of the kind that contains psilocybin, the component that makes mushrooms hallucinogenic and which can be life-changing for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. But mushrooms can also be used for so many different holistic, health and medicinal purposes.

Functional mushrooms, as they’re called, are superfoods jam-packed with nutrients, antioxidants and minerals that can help boost your health. They fall into two categories!

First, there are Medicinal mushrooms contain compounds that offer antioxidative properties as well as properties that may help in killing harmful cells.

Or Adaptogenic mushrooms that help your body adapt to and fight off stressors that may come chemically, biologically, or physically. So instead of helping to get rid of that cold you have, adaptogens will help your body fight off the germs that caused your cold in the first place!

Top 3 Powerhouse Mushrooms to Boost Your Health

Here are 3 of my favorite mushroom powerhouses that can boost your health.

1. Chaga

First up is Chaga!

Chaga mushroom

This adaptogenic mushroom has the appearance of a lump of coal, but is one of the richest and most powerful antioxidative mushrooms on this list.

Chaga is best consumed in teas or coffee due to its energy-increasing properties, anti-inflammatory benefits, and its support for cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Now, Chaga is expensive – since it takes 15 to 20 years for a Chaga to reach full maturity – and when all those health benefits can be best utilized. But well worth it, since modern research confirms what was known by ancient Chinese doctors for hundreds of years, that they are superfoods for your body.

2. Lions Mane

My second favorite mushroom is Lions Mane.

Lions Mane mushroom

In ancient China, Buddhist monks would use Lions Man to help with concentration for meditation. Lion’s Mane has also been shown to support better memory function which helps to reduce risk of developing degenerative cognitive disorder by protecting your brain’s neurons.

You can take Lion’s Mane in tea form, supplement form, or fry this mushroom as a delicious faux meat replacement.

3. Shiitake

Number three is Shiitake!

Shiitake mushroom

Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular types of fungi. Shiitakes are packed with Vitamin B, Vitamin D, zinc and all 9 essential amino acids your body needs along with supporting strong and healthy heart function. In addition to the internal health benefits you get from consuming shiitake, incorporating this functional mushroom in your diet can also help!


In conclusion, the world of mushrooms extends far beyond the psychedelic realm often associated with psilocybin. While those mushrooms indeed hold transformative potential for mental health, the focus here has been on functional mushrooms—nature’s superfoods with a wealth of holistic benefits. From the powerful antioxidative properties of medicinal mushrooms to the stress-fighting capabilities of adaptogenic varieties, mushrooms offer a diverse range of health-boosting qualities.

As we delve into the world of functional mushrooms, it becomes clear that these remarkable fungi are not only a testament to ancient wisdom but also validated by modern research. Embracing the wisdom of incorporating these mushrooms into our diets, we can foster a healthier, more resilient body. So, in the spirit of self-love and well-being, remember: mushrooms, in their diverse forms, offer a magical journey towards a healthier you. 

As I always say, love yourself enough to be healthy. I’ll see you next time.

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